Double Exposure

I have been feeling very unsettled. Living with a compromised immune system makes the winter months a challenge and trying to navigate public transport without getting a bug of some sort (and that’s with having a flu jab) is pretty much impossible. News of the terrifying COVID-19 has sent me in to a tailspin and triggered every aspect of my health anxiety. I’m in a high risk group and might not survive if I was exposed to the virus.

Although currently the UK is deemed moderately safe I have been thinking about what it means to live with a chronic illness and to have lost the privilege of confidence in both my body and my health.

Photography always helps. There’s a double exposure setting on my Nikon and I never thought to use it before. Yesterday felt like the right time. I have been reflecting on what it means to live fully in the knowledge that one day the flame will be extinguished. These images attempt to illustrate that conundrum.


The Two of Us !

My Reel Rebels Radio show, The Two of Us, is now a podcast ! I talk to writers and artists about mental health, wellbeing and their work. All my guests have been very generous and often share intimate and compelling stories about their inner worlds. If you are a podcast fan hop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, Overcast to hear some very special interviews.

My guests so far include : Inua Ellams, Miriam Nash, Diane Goldie, Yomi Sode, Leone Ross, Musa Okwonga, Chimene Suleyman, Roger Robinson and Johny Pitts, and very many more.

The two of us FINAL SHOW COPY.jpg