I love asking questions, I love hearing the answers even more. Every month I have a radio show - ‘The Two of Us’ on Reel Rebels Radio. I also have a regular newsletter which includes a monthly interview. Below is a selection of some of the questions I have asked my radio guests and interviewees. It’s quite fun to ask yourself the questions, especially if you are a creative type which most people I interview are.
How does getting angry help ?
How much is vulnerability part of your creative process ?
Why is story so important ?
When did you first begin to identify as writer ?
Adversity – how do you cope with it ?
How much of your happiness is based around family ?
Where do you get your energy from ?
What are you most proud of and why ?
Do you see yourself as a spiritual person ?
Where do you get your strength ?
Where is the love in your life ?
Has fear of abandonment been something that you have had to work with in you life ?
How do you remain hopeful and optimistic ?
How has having a loving partner helped with your emotional well- being and how it makes you feel about the future ?
How does cooking help create a sense a family for you ?
What does family mean to you ?
What makes you feel at home in the world ?
How does nature heal ?
What does showcasing mean for you ?
What’s the greatest lesson that personal failure has taught you ?
Does art have to be great ? Is that its purpose ?
What do you see your role as a creator in relationship to a wider community ?
How do you deal with conflict on both a personal and political level ?
How easy is engaging with the creative process for you ?
How does reading help you?
How would you personally describe your emotional state day to day? Would you ever think about addressing mental health directly in your work ?
How much does fashion and dressing contribute to your emotional well-being ?
How much do you stay present in your own life ?
How do you love people when they are pissing you off (any tips!) ?
What support do you provide to younger people ?
Did you have an example of this in your own life?
Is poetry a sort of prayer?
What does poetry do for you that other art forms don’t ?
What’s next ?
What have you learnt from teaching?
Do you consider yourself an activist and how much is your writing a part of that ?
Growing up how did racism directly impact your mental health and how, if at all, has that changed now you are an adult ?
In what ways does music contribute to your emotional well-being ?
What wisdom about self care would you like to pass on to your children ?
How has Brexit affected your mental health ? And sense of identity ?
What is it to become visible ?
How often do you get outside ? outdoors, out of the country, out of your comfort zone, out of your head ?
Five words to describe what emotional intimacy means to you.
Would you describe yourself as a survivor?
Where have you felt constrained in your life ?
Diagnosis – what does it mean to you ?
How do you cope with the unknown ?
How are you doing today ?
Asking for help ? Is that something that comes easily to you?
Is it still possible to celebrate after a tragedy ? or How is it possible to live after a tragedy ?
What future do you envisage for yourself ?
How useful has therapy been for you ?
Would you describe taking photographs as a form of therapy ?
What solace do you get from other’s work ? What inspirations ?
How do you think we need to expand the conversation around mental health and creativity ?
What real life stories are not being told (or told enough) that need to be heard more?
Why is radio such a great medium for documentary/real life stories?
What is the most unexpected/surprising thing that parenting has taught you ?
How has your notion of being kind to yourself changed over the last couple of years ?
How has being a parent impacted on your relationship and understanding of climate change, and the ways you respond to it ?
What is the most urgent thing you want to communicate with your creativity right now ?
If you could choose another art form (one that you are not currently working in) to express yourself in what would it be and why ?
When did you first begin to identify as an artist, how did that come about ?
How has living with chronic illness impacted on your creative process ?
What one thing has life taught you that you would like to sing from the mountain top ?