Fantastic Artists and Writers and Where to Find Them

Here is a list of all the people who so generously took part in ‘The Two of Us’ Festival Fundraiser and their social media contacts and websites. I have also included the details of Reel Rebels Radio where the event was held, as well as renting out rehearsal rooms at competitive prices the entire residence is available to hire for events - t:@ReelRebelsRadio

We also had Dee doing the security – so for those of you who put on gigs etc. she’s the person to get in touch with at Security4u -

Finally the event would not have come together had it not been for my great team Alba, Chikodi, Laurence, Nathalie Teitler and my co-host Rishi. Rishi and Alba are on the list of writers. Chikodi is busy working on her novel and not on social media presently. 

Team ! 

You can find Laurence here i: @moniasseartistmuse and

Nathalie Teitler – t: @natteitler i:@natteitler

Photographer Simona Jausovec was there for the first set and I have included some of her photographs below. You can find her on instagram @simjau72

I have put the writers in the order that they performed. 



Olumide Popoola - https://www.olumidepopoola.comt: @msolumide

Alba Frederick t: alba_writes

Mark Thompson - t: @CCP_MrT i:@markt1973

Leo Boix – i: @leoboix i: @boixleo

Rishi Dastidar – t: @BetaRish i: @betarish

Karen McCarthy Woolf - https://mccarthywoolf.comt: @KMcCarthyWoolf i: @karenmccarthywoolf 

Cath Drake - t:@cathdrake


Guido Garcia Lueches – t: @ElGuidoGarcia i: @elguidogarcia

Amaal Said - i: @amaalsaid t:@amaalsaid

Rich Blk - t:@richBLKthinks  i: richblkshoots

Peter Raynard - t: @ProletarianPoet

Amy Acre - i:@amyacre t: @copyslut

Leone Ross - t: @leoneross i: @leone.ross

Steven Camden (polarbear) - t@homeofpolar i: @homeofpolar

Jacob Sam-La Rose - http://jacobsamlarose.comt:@jsamlarose i: @jacobsamlarose


Joshua Idehen - @BeninCitizen i: @joshuaidehen
Caleb Femi - t: CalebFemi5 i: caleb.femi
Kat Francois - t: @katfrancois i: kat_francois

Keith Jarrett - t: @keithjlondon
i @keithjlondon
Roger Robinson - t: rrobinson72 i: rogerrobinsononline 

Visual Artists

Antonia Atwood - @Antonia_Attwood i: @antonia_attwood

Annika Cox - t: @annikamcox i @annikamcox

Zara Carpenter  - @zaracarpenter i: @zaracarpenter

Celine Marchbank - t: @CelineMarchbank i:@celinemarchbank 

Michelle Rodrigues- i :@diaspora.daughter.dreams 

Rachelle Romeo  - t@rachelleromeo i@rachelleromeoartist

Amaal Said - http://www.amaalsaid.comi: @amaalsaid t:@amaalsaid

Paloma Tendero - t: @PalomaTendero i: @palomatendero 

Elsbeth Van der Poel - @StudioElsbeth i : @studioelsbeth 

Kathryn Watson (My Illustrated Mind) t: @017kat i: @myillustratedmind

Jasmin Woddis Caron - i@petal.paper

Naomi Woddis - https://www.naomiwoddis.comi: @naomi_woddis t:@NaomiWoddis

Amy Jenine Wong – i: @letmeabc

Rikard Österlund - i:rikardolino t: @rikard

Danny F -  i@dannyf_the_artsloth

Artist Diane Goldie - https://www.dianegoldieartist.comt: @dianegoldieart i: @dianegoldie